Home E Publications E Statistical Feature Extraction and System Identification Algorithms for Partial Discharge Signal Classification Using Laguerre Polynomial Expansion

Statistical Feature Extraction and System Identification Algorithms for Partial Discharge Signal Classification Using Laguerre Polynomial Expansion


Hamed Janani, Pramoda Jayasinghe, Mohammad Jafari Jozani and Behzad Kordi


IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation


In this paper, a novel algorithm for partial discharge (PD) pulse waveform analysis and separation based on orthogonal series expansion using Laguerre polynomials is proposed. A system identification technique is also developed to help increase the accuracy rate of the signal classification. Laguerre polynomial series expansions are applied on the PD pulses to effectively extract important information and well-discriminative features. Laguerre expansion coefficients inherently contain information about the amplitude (intensity) and the relaxation time of a dynamic system and this helps direct characterization of PD pulses. The proposed technique is applied to PD pulses acquired from a laboratory set of multiple PD sources. It is shown that this statistical method can classify partial discharge signals with high accuracies, even when the signals are visually indistinguishable. In this research, two methods are developed for system identification. One is based on a deterministic approach in the form of a recursive formula and the other one is a stochastic method based on a group Lasso methodology. The aim of system identification is to improve the classification accuracy by removing the effect of the measurement system from the observed PD waveforms. The accuracy rate of the proposed algorithm is evaluated using the signals that are captured from simultaneous artificial defects in high pressure SF 6 and in low pressure air.