Complex Analytics Research Lab (CARL)
Prof. Mohammad Jafari Jozani
My research revolves around data-centric approaches for developing fundamental theories, new methodologies and computational tools to solve problems of relevance in a variety of application domains.
Research Interests
- Statistical (machine) learning
- High dimensional data analysis
- Complex sampling designs
- Finite mixture modeling with rank-based data
- Computational Statistics
What I do…
I do research!

I do collaborative work!

Making sense of data is one of the great challenges of our century. While it is becoming easier to collect all kinds of data, from personal medical data, to online, scientific, public, and/or commercial data, creating interpretable knowledge from this data and separating out the consistent patterns from the noise is a very challenging task. Analyzing such data often requires developing new methodologies, models and computational tools. My main research interest is to think about these problems from theoretical, applied and computational angels. I love to collaborate with researchers from other disciplines and learn about their interesting problems and possibly develop novel methodologies and new statistical techniques to address their research problems.
I colaborate with
- scientists, doctors, and clinicians,
- researches from research institutes, health community centers,
- hospitals, industries and businesses,
- and private sectors across Canada and Globe.
My research is also supported by NSERC, Mitacs, Manitoba Hydro, University of Manitoba, CANSSI, etc.
I teach! Actually, I love teaching!!

I love teaching and teaching is a very important aspect of my academic duties. I have taught several courses at undergrdaute and gradute levels. I have taught several theoretical to applied course in Statistics, including statistical learning, multivariate data analysis, statistical inference, Mathematical statistics, ranked set sampling, etc.
I train HQP! I am proud of my students!

Supervision of highly qualified personnel (HQP) has been one of the main priorities in my academic life. Graduate students play important roles in my research program. In my research group, we usually have weekly seminars presented by myself, my visitors or other members of the group. These seminars expose students to a broad range of topics, and contribute to different aspects of HQP training such as critical thinking in research and problem solving abilities as well as communication skills.
Useful Links
Faculty of Graduate studies
Department of Statistics
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. We respect the Treaties that were made on these territories, we acknowledge the harms and mistakes of the past, and we dedicate ourselves to move forward in partnership with Indigenous communities in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.
My mailing address
Department of Statistics
Faculty of Science,
University of Manitoba